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ALMANACS 2024-2026

2025 Yearbook/Almanac Order Form coming here soon.
The Yearbook contains supplements, bylaws and a wealth of information

Convention Chatter 2024 Reserved for 2025-2026
September 2024 ALMANAC
September 2024 Flyers
October 2024 ALMANAC
October 2024 Flyers
November 2024 ALMANAC
November 2024 Flyers
December 2024 ALMANAC 
December 2024 Flyers
January 2025 ALMANAC
January 2025 flyers
2025 February ALMANAC
2025 February Flyers
2025 March ALMANAC
2025 MARCH Flyers
2025 April ALMANAC
2025 April Flyers
  • Yearbook-Almanac Order Form 2025-26 fillable
    An ALMANAC subscription is now $40 and will be sent first class. Paper copies no longer FREE to Club Presidents due to higher production and mailing costs. The ALMANAC is always available FREE online.


Each bulletin is posted under its own category, but if you need all the bulletins, you can find them here.
For Annual Report Forms, see the separate tab.
For Forms having to do with money or taxes like the Continuing Funds Form, see the Treasurer tab.

Why do we need to do reports?

Reports are the way we communicate in a succinct way the vast variety and impact of our club projects. The information we report to our NJSFWC Chairmen not only lets them know what each club is doing, but also might be used as the basis for decisions or action on the various projects.

So complete and submit your reports and be proud!

Report Writing Chairman: Chris Sienkielewski,

Instructions and Guidelines

IMPORTANT: To use the fillable report forms, YOU MUST DOWNLOAD THEM TO YOUR COMPUTER OR DEVICE. You cannot fill them out online and save them. To download, right click on the file name (or hold finger down if using a tablet or phone) and use the "Save as" command to save it to your computer. Then you can open it, fill it out, and save it.

NOTE: For MAC Users having Problems updated 020125

Click here for complete Report Writing Packet for Printing

(as mailed, including all instructions and report forms)

Instructions and Guides

Individual Report Forms for Printing

Fillable Report Forms

NOTE: Please save form to your computer or device BEFORE FILLING OUT!

Report Writing Workshop Recording

If you have questions, the video below might answer some of them!

​​Project Report Form for Clubs

Here's a handy form for club presidents and chairmen to pass out to members. If each member who led a project filled out one of these and handed it in to the Community Service Program or Report Writing Chairman, think how much easier it will be to complete reports.


Arts & Culture Achievement Day Forms



Environment Achievement Day Forms


The NJSFWC Advocates for Children program seeks to make a difference in our world by becoming advocates for children. Members may choose to organize projects that benefit children in their community, state, or the world.

Clubwomen can become advocates by working to:

  • Ensure that children are protected from harmful situations
  • Encourage healthy physical and emotional lifestyles
  • Impact policy to improve children’s lives

While project ideas are numerous, clubs are encouraged to educate themselves regarding current issues facing our children:

  • Child Abuse
  • Health issues
  • Poverty
  • Cyberbullying
  • Teen dating violence
  • Childhood obesity
  • Texting while driving
  • Depression and suicide
  • Foster care and adoption
  • Limits on screen time
  • Childhood safety issues

Please look at our supplement for ideas, projects and suggestions for your club to help children.

Operation Smile

Operation Smile is a crossover project with Health & Wellness. You will find all the information about collecting items for Smile Bags in that section of this page.


CHAIRMAN: Marie DiMatties,

“Arts” and “culture” are very broad terms that include a wide range of human practices of creative expression, storytelling and cultural participation.  They are the way humans cultivate distinct identities while communicating values, impressions, ideas and experiences across time and space.  While this program focuses primarily on visual and physical creations, leaving performing arts to the Arts Performing Community Service Program, and literary arts to the Education and Libraries Community Service Program, all forms of art are beneficial to those who practice them and to those who appreciate the results. 

The avenues of art are only limited by our imaginations. NJSFWC Arts and Culture Community Service Program encourages members to promote and support art activities in their clubs, schools, and communities. Its goal is to inspire clubwomen with a desire to make their world a more beautiful place by creating programs and projects in a multitude of arts-related areas, both traditional and innovative, and to promote the appreciation of the many cultures found on this earth. 





CHAIRMAN: Kathy Reddick,

The avenues of art are only limited by our imaginations. The NJSFWC Arts Performing Community Service Program is designed to inspire clubwomen to be creative with programs and projects that incorporate music, literature, drama, dance, theatre and more. The goal is to make the world around us see and feel what they might have only once imagined.



  • For Youth Creative Writing Contest, see the 2024-2026 Arts Performing Supplement, above.
  • For Member Creative Writing Contest, see the 2024-2026 Arts Performing Supplement, above.

Creative Arts Waiver

​​CHAIRMAN: Ann Ribinsky Brown,

NEW! Parliamentary Procedure Course Nov. 21! Click here for flyer: Parliamentary Procedure Course

Bylaws are the go-to source for how an organization operates. They trump the parliamentary authority (think: Robert’s Rules) and any other rules that you’ve adopted.

So be sure your club bylaws are up to date and review them occasionally to make any necessary changes. Remember, your bylaws give your organization structure. Use them! 


Sample Club Bylaws

Chairman Susan Fosdick,

For Club Bylaws Review


Civic and social responsibilities are key components in our lives. The NJSFWC Public Issues Community Service Program is designed to actively connect members with effective projects and activities relating to civic and social responsibilities. This program focuses on the following areas:

  • Citizenship
  • Military Personnel
  • Emergency and Disaster Preparedness
  • Safety and Crime Prevention

Civic Engagement & Outreach Day
(formerly Public Issues Day)

  • Information coming soon

Operation Holiday Stocking

  • Thanks to all of you, we sent a record number of stockings to Operation Jersey Cares! 2,706 stockings were donated, plus $6,317 in postage and donations. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Family Emergency Notebook

  • GFWC CEO Chairman Vicky Ann Trimmer created an outline for a “Family Emergency Notebook.” The outline helps to create a binder that holds all information that may be needed during an emergency. Include sections for Personal, Financial, Insurance, Medical, Important Contacts, etc. Make sure to include important information with names, numbers, addresses, and account numbers. Include a section for wills, trusts, and legal documents. To keep your information secure, DO NOT include login or password information in your binder. Having this information at your fingertips during an emergency can really help to aid in your recovery and may help to alleviate some of the stress you or a loved one must face during an emergency.
  • Family Emergency Notebook Instructions 


CHAIRMAN:  Dawn Pogosaew,

Promoting our clubs, NJSFWC and GFWC require both Communications and Public Relations.

Our main goal in communications is to get the word out to the public about who we are and what we do. We must find ways to reach out to our communities using traditional media and online social media. Using these tools we can publicize the important things our clubs do, and the need that exists for our organizations in our communities. Whether our goal is recruiting new members, raising funds, or recruiting help for a community project, our clubs need to get the word out. Without communication and public relations, how will the women in our communities know that we exist?

We are living in a wonderful age where social media is a constant source of information about what is happening in our neighborhoods. What better way to share your programs and projects than by using Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube? Clubwomen are encouraged to advance the NJSFWC’s priorities, projects, public policy initiatives, and community improvement endeavors by being heard in their communities.

Spring Canva Workshop 4/26/25


Contest Entry Forms

Sample Proclamations

Sample Documents for Communications

CHAIRMAN: Shelley Rothstein, email

GFWC Community Impact Program Contest

The GFWC Community Impact Program Award offers GFWC Clubs financial incentives to implement projects designed to impact a specific problem in their community. The CIP Award is designed to highlight the many ways clubs currently function and to provide added flexibility in the implementation of projects that have a meaningful impact on a particular problem, from “done in a day” efforts to those that could require more rigorous planning and implementation.


​​CHAIRMAN: Jean Battaglia,

2025 Convention will be Monday-Wednesday, May 5-7, Atlantic City.


Convention Registration and Information

Convention Book Forms

Convention Chairman: Vivien Finn,

Credentials & Registration: Carole Thompson,

Day of Service will be Monday, January 20, 2025. We will donate items to the Center for Family Services.

Each District will have a Day of Service that will support its own area. Contact your DVP or District Day of Service Chairman for specific information about your District.


Day of Service Locations and Times

  • College District – 9:00-12:00 at Federation Headquarters, 55 Labor Center Way, New Brunswick
  • Garden District – 10:00-2:00 at Haddon Fortnightly building, 301 Kings Highway East, Haddonfield
  • Highlands District – 10:00-2:00 at Vernon Senior Center, 21 Church Street, Vernon Township
  • Liberty District – 10:00-12:00 at Upper Montclair Club House, 200 Cooper Ave., Upper Montclair
  • Palisades District – 9:00-1:00 at Westwood Club House, 205 Kinderkamack Rd., Westwood
  • Ramapo District – 9:00-1:00 at Pequannock Senior House, 530 Newark Pompton Turnpike, Pompton Plains
  • Shore District – 9:00-2:00 at Woman’s Club of Point Pleasant Club House, 13 St. Louis Ave., Point Pleasant
  • Southern District – 10:00-2:00 at Millville Club House, 300 E St., Millville



Chairman: Lin Hrycenko,

The NJSFWC joins with the GFWC, a national leader in the fight to end domestic violence by raising awareness about this social issue. The goal of the program is to increase awareness of and help prevent the widespread occurrence of domestic abuse and violence against women in communities across the nation. This is done by:

  • Working with national domestic violence networks
  • Supporting existing activities
  • Working with various established programs
  • Initiating educational opportunities for club members and local citizens

NJSFWC Second Chance Domestic Violence Survivors Award

NJSFWC Second Chance Domestic Violence Survivors Award is to help survivors of intimate partner violence obtain a post-secondary education that will offer a chance to reshape their future in gaining personal independence. Candidates must be enrolled or planning to enroll at an accredited public or private post-secondary school, including community colleges, technical schools, and four-year universities.

Success for Survivors Scholarship

As part of the GFWC Signature Program: Domestic and Sexual Violence Awareness and Prevention, the GFWC Success For Survivors Scholarship was created in 2012 to lend a helping hand to those impacted by intimate partner violence who are pursuing higher education. The scholarship aims to provide survivors with a means to achieve both financial and personal independence. Since its inception, GFWC has awarded more than $80,000 in scholarship funds.

Success for Survivors Scholarship Application Coming Soon.

Completed applications should be sent to GFWC headquarters at:

Attn: Success for Survivors Scholarship
1734 N St NW
Washington, DC 20036

Or email completed applications to (Include “Scholarship” in the subject line)

Important Dates (Check the GFWC Club Manual, available on the GFWC website):

October 1: GFWC Success for Survivors Scholarship Application Opened
February 5: GFWC Success for Survivors Scholarship Application Deadline
May – June: Recipients Notified
July1: Monetary Awards Sent to Recipients Upon Receipt of Enrollment Verification


​​CHAIRMAN: Claire Hill,

From the 1996 Report of the International Commission on Education for the 21st Century and the 1997 Hamburg Declaration: Literacy, broadly conceived as the basic knowledge and skills needed in a rapidly changing world is a fundamental human right. There are millions, the majority of whom are women, who lack opportunities to learn or have insufficient skills to be able to assert this right. The challenge is to enable them to do so. Literacy is also a catalyst for participating in social, cultural, political, and economic activities, and for learning throughout life.


​​CHAIRMAN: Joan Murdock,

ESO (Epsilon Sigma Omicron)

Honorary Reading Sorority of the Education Community Services Program. All club members are welcome to join. For more information on the program, click here to visit our ESO page .

ESO Bulletin Sept 2024

ESO Chairman: Patricia Sherwen, email

Margaret Yardley Fellowship

The Margaret Yardley Fellowship Fund provides fellowship grants to deserving women who are New Jersey residents pursuing post-graduate advanced studies at the school of their choice. For application form and more details about the grants click here to visit the MYF page.

  • Deadline for applications: MARCH 1

MYF Chairman: Barbara Spillane, email


Since 1989 local clubs in the New Jersey State Federation of Women’s Clubs (NJSFWC) have sponsored spelling bees for 4th and 5th graders. Clubs either hold a spelling bee of their own or ask schools to hold spelling bees, after which the club sponsors the three winners in the District Spelling Bee. Winners from the District Spelling Bee compete in the State Spelling Bee at NJSFWC Headquarters in New Brunswick, NJ.

  • All CLUB LEVEL Spelling Bee contests (typically scheduled in January) should be based on your local community and/or school safety guidelines. Plan your Spelling Bee in the fall!
  • The DISTRICT LEVEL Spelling contests will be scheduled for February and specific dates will be announced as they are scheduled. All District Bees should be completed by the first week of March.
  • The STATE Spelling Bee is scheduled for Saturday, April 5, 2025.

Here are the materials that will help your club organize and hold a Spelling Bee in your community.


The NJSFWC Environment Community Service Program encourages awareness of our natural resources and caring for the world around us. It offers information and ideas to promote environmental appreciation and protection. We work to preserve, maintain, and restore our natural resources; protect habitats for plants and animals; and develop sustainable habits.

Our goals include environmental education; care for our air, land, and water; recycling; litter cleanup; partnerships with community groups, schools, and children; support of wildlife; energy conservation; tree planting; and beautification - this is what the Conservation Community Service Program is all about.

We encourage all clubwomen to work to become more aware of environmental issues, enrich your communities, and become stewards of the environment. Enjoy the great outdoors!


Achievement Day Entry Forms


CHAIRMAN: Dorothy Bernice,

NOTE DATE CHANGE! The official dates for GCI will be Sunday, June 1 thru Wednesday, June 4, 2025.

Girls' Career Institute (GCI) offers a "mini college and career exploration experience" at Douglass Residential College on the campus of Rutgers University. Delegates experience a sample of college life by living in a dorm, eating in a cafeteria, and attending lectures and workshops. They learn about career choices from volunteer professional speakers and how to network with other delegates from all over the state of New Jersey.  Participants may take part in a variety of service projects, Zumba and mindfulness sessions, swimming, GCI Chorus, Talent Night, the “I am Unique” Style Showcase, and an Art exhibit. Many establish lasting friendships with one another.

Delegates are sponsored and the cost is underwritten by a local NJSFWC club. Delegates are selected on the basis of interest, community service and participation in school activities.


If having trouble accessing the form, copy and paste this link into your browser:




Scholarship for GCI Graduating Delegates

To be eligible for the 2025 NJSFWC GCI Douglass Scholarship you must have:

  • Attended and completed GCI 2024
  • Been accepted to and committed to attending Rutgers University in 2025. Rutgers University must accept you before you can even apply to enter the Douglass Residential College Program.
  • Once you accept the offer of admission to Rutgers and formally commit to Rutgers by putting down your initial deposit, you will be given your Rutgers email and login information.
  • With this information, you will be able to log onto Rutgers' Enrollment Pathway website, which will give you all the next steps to prepare for your freshman year.
  • Here you will find a link to joining the Douglass Residential College
  • Applied to and been accepted into the Douglass Residential College Program
  • Complete and return the required application packet.

To view our GCI video, visit the GCI project page: click here.

GCI DIRECTOR: Ellen Lund, email

The Health and Wellness Community Service Program is designed to inform members of issues that affect the well-being of individuals, families and communities by providing opportunities and resources to meet and address needs through volunteering. Through this program, clubs may develop and implement creative projects that promote a healthy lifestyle; increase awareness, prevention, research, and treatment of disease; target personal development; address the issues of hunger, inadequate housing, and homelessness; and/or prevent or correct financial difficulties.

Let’s Get Moving Challenge

NJSFWC challenges its members to get moving to combat heart disease! Clubs are encouraged to sign up for September 29th for World Heart Day through the World Heart Federation – the link is available in the Let's Get Moving Instructions below. Then, let’s get moving! Encourage members to start tracking their walking and exercising hours. Perhaps you could even start holding club-wide walks or attend exercise classes together.

Tally the total combined exercise hours completed by your members on your year-end report under the “Let’s Get Moving” challenge. The club to log the most workout hours will be recognized at Spring Conference.


  • For report forms, please go to the section ANNUAL REPORT FORMS & INSTRUCTIONS.

Sewing Homemade Face Masks

Operation Smile

Operation Smile estimates that there are millions of children waiting for care in the 34 countries where they work. The majority of these children are unable to receive the medical care they need because it is too costly, far away, or specialized. Because of this, being born with a cleft condition can be fatal. If a child survives, they may face bullying and social isolation. Through their expertise in treating cleft lip and cleft palate, they create solutions that deliver safe surgery to people where it’s needed most.

Operation Smile has asked us to stop sending smile dolls as their supply is high.  They still can use NONO Arm bands, Smile Bags and Hospital Gowns.

Your Smile Bag items (please don't pack in bags!) will be collected at Headquarters in May to be driven down to Operation Smile. 

Operation Smile can use the following:

For hospital gown information or other projects contact Operation Smile

CHAIRMAN: Katie Chambers,

Most club members care little about rewards and fame. We are volunteers. We work without expectation of rewards.

And yet our outstanding members should be recognized, not only for their successes, but also for their efforts. Everyone has the desire to be appreciated, and the NJSFWC has several ways to help clubs reward members for their service.



The Women of Achievement Awards represent an opportunity to acknowledge and reflect upon the extraordinary accomplishments of New Jersey Women and the impact these women have made on the lifestyle of our state.


An award given at Convention to a Federation member whose accomplishments and service to the community fall outside club work.


Honor Roll is a way to publicly honor club members for the work they have done for your club. The Honor Roll tribute is read at Convention and a brief tribute is inscribed in the Honor Roll Book kept at Headquarters.

For club members who are already on the Honor Roll, the Order of the Lily is a way to further honor them for their service.

Honors Book

At any time of the year you may honor someone by enrolling that woman or man in the NJSFWC Honors Book. Send name and address and reason for honoring together a check for $15.00 earmarked “Honors Book” to NJSFWC Headquarters. An acknowledgment will be sent to the honoree notifying her or him of your gift.

Memorials Book

Memorials for a deceased Clubwomen or Club friends to be entered into the Memorials Book are appropriate at any time of year. A letter with the person’s name and pertinent information is sent to NJSFWC Headquarters, 55 Labor Center Way, New Brunswick, NJ 08901, with a check for $15.00 earmarked “Memorials Book”. If you wish an acknowledgment be sent to the person’s family that information should also be included in the letter, and an “In Memoriam” card will be sent.

Honors Chairman: Kathy Hunterton,

Bottom-up or top-down, leadership involves taking risks, being innovative, and promoting new directions. While some may talk about being born leaders, most of us can learn how to be a strong leader. Club, district, state, and national volunteers can become leaders by developing a clear and compelling vision for what one wants to become; establishing attainable goals; providing – and being provided – with encouragement and appreciation; behaving with an entrepreneurial spirit; and pursuing training and education.

LEADS Program

The GFWC Leadership Education and Development Seminar (LEADS) program is intended to identify GFWC members at the grass-roots level who have the potential and the desire to assume leadership positions in GFWC beyond their club. Participation in LEADS can help these members gain the capabilities, confidence, and commitment necessary to pursue and achieve higher office and serve with distinction. The LEADS program is held annually the day before the official opening of the GFWC Annual Convention. It is a full day of activities, and includes breakfast and lunch.

Leadership Manual for Clubs

The Leadership Manual for Clubs, formerly known as the Club Presidents' Manual, was created to not only assist all Presidents, but officers, chairman and club members. You will find the Manual on the MATERIALS page under “FORMS AND MANUALS,” the second item in the MATERIALS list.


  • 2024 Leadership Supplement updated 082324--Ideas, projects, information for clubs.
  • For report forms, please go to the section ANNUAL REPORT FORMS & INSTRUCTIONS.

Leadership Toolkit

CHAIRMAN: Susie Chambers,

The Legacy Planned Giving program encourages clubwomen, families and friends of the Federation to consider making bequests to the NJSFWC when planning their estates.

LEGACY as defined by Webster’s Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary is a gift by will of money or other personal property.

Leaving a lasting legacy: Imagine the difference that can be made in continuing the efforts of the NJSFWC of GFWC in ”providing opportunities for education, leadership, training, and community service through participation in local clubs, enabling members to make a difference in the lives of others one project at a time.”

Federated Clubwomen, providing a Legacy by Planned Giving in their estate planning, can designate the funds be given in their name as a Fellowship in an area of interest. Or, the clubwoman may designate other areas for her Legacy giving, such as the Headquarters Wish List, Girls Career Institute, the Special State Project or an item in the Continuing Funds.



Clubs and clubwomen are the local advocates for NJSFWC and GFWC’s legislative agenda. It is through the statewide and national network of grassroots advocates that the Federation gains its political influence. We are a nonpartisan, nondenominational organization. Clubwomen are allowed to advocate for policies or legislation, but NOT allowed by law to endorse candidates or engage in partisan politics. NJSFWC/GFWC members must separate personal political activities from official club or state federation work.


GFWC Legislative Action Center

The GFWC Legislative Action Center is a powerful tool for GFWC’s public issues and advocacy efforts. Track bills, contact your local representative and take action on issues germane to GFWC Resolutions. Click here to visit the GFWC Action Center.


CHAIRMAN: Jacqueline Wisner,

The NJSFWC is a network of support for the almost 6,000 clubwomen volunteering on local, state and national levels. Working together, we constitute a powerful, service-oriented organization that provides personal enrichment, leadership opportunities, and many other benefits to its members. NJSFWC provides the resources and support to help you and your club better serve your community.

New Members

All clubs are requested to send the names, addresses, and emails of new members to the Second Vice President/Membership Chairman. A welcome letter from the NJSFWC is sent to each new club member. Please use the form below.

Member Recognition

Honor your members who have served 25 or 50 years as members of the NJSFWC. Also, report names of members who have brought in two or more new members for the year.

NJSFWC Membership Grant For Clubs

All Clubs are eligible to apply for a $100 grant awarded to clubs at State Fall Conference. There will be two club winners from each Membership Category.

Juniorette Clubs

Juniorette Clubs are clubs whose membership is composed entirely of Middle School/Junior High and High School age young women. They hold active membership and participate in the regular programs of the NJSFWC. Juniorette Clubs are sponsored by a General or Junior Club holding active membership in NJSFWC.


NJSFWC Pamphlets for Members


Other Helpful Information

  • Fact Pack for Members: Contains Acronymns, Federation History, Benefits of Membership, Special Events, How it All Works, GFWC Organization Structure, Past State Projects, and Important Information

CHAIRMAN: Patricia Dahl, Second Vice President, email

The information below is of vital interest to your club. This form is to be used only for NOMINATING clubwomen to serve on the Federation Board of Directors.

It is important that candidates’ names be received as soon as possible after November 1, 2025. All NOMINATION BLANKS must be returned to the Chairman of Nominations and Elections postmarked NO LATER than January 2, 2026. 


  • Watch for information to be posted fall 2025.

Chairman: TBA

At the January council meeting or through Club Program report sheets, clubs shared the following information. If your club is interested in a particular program and there is no contact or information about the program/project, please contact the club that sponsored the program.

Many of the programs/projects that are done with the club members’ participation are either done for a cause or to keep members engaged or for fun, and many of the programs are town sponsored.

The sheets below should give you some great ideas for programs or projects. Feel free to look at other Districts beside your own for ideas.

Program Assistance Sheets

Tina Ree, Chairman,

 “The New Jersey Children's Alliance promotes hope, healing, and justice for child abuse victims.”

New Jersey Children’s Alliance is a statewide non-profit membership organization whose mission is to promote hope, healing, and justice for child abuse victims by supporting Child Advocacy Centers throughout the state with training, resources, advocacy, and leadership. We aid communities in providing a coordinated investigation and comprehensive response to victims of criminal child abuse by providing support, training, and technical assistance to Child Advocacy Centers and multidisciplinary teams in all NJ 21 counties.

Child Advocacy Centers offer a child-focused way of serving abused children through a comprehensive approach to services for victims and their families. Child Advocacy Centers stress coordination of investigation and intervention services by bringing together professionals and agencies as a multidisciplinary team to create a child-focused approach to child abuse cases. An important goal is to ensure that children are not re-victimized by the very system designed to protect them.

New Jersey Children’s Alliance is the New Jersey Chapter of the National Children’s Alliance (NCA). NCA is a membership organization providing support, training, and technical assistance to Children’s Advocacy Centers, multidisciplinary teams, and professionals across the country.

Support the NJCA--buy a lantern!



Chairman: April Shoemaker,

The Emmanuel Cancer Foundation (ECF) provides New Jersey families facing the crisis of pediatric cancer a place to turn for comfort and support through professional in-home counseling and a uniquely tailored package of assistance – all free-of-charge.

Each year, ECF helps hundreds of families in New Jersey with a free package of support services. They assist any New Jersey family with a child who has cancer ages 0-18, regardless of race, creed, socioeconomic status, or any other demographic restriction. They continue helping the families for as long as they need it, whether it be one month or 10 years. There are no applications, forms, or other red tape for a family to deal with – they strive to make the delivery of services as quick and seamless as possible.

To date, ECF has assisted over 2000 families.

ECF Services

In-Home Counseling

They provide professional counseling, emotional support and advocacy assistance free for the entire family.

Material Assistance

Through four Regional Centers, they work with volunteers to collect and distribute groceries, toys, clothing, household items, and birthday and holiday gifts.

Emergency Financial Aid

Emergency financial assistance can help families with urgent needs such as paying rent, utility, phone and insurance bills.


  • For report forms, please go to the section ANNUAL REPORT FORMS & INSTRUCTIONS.


NJSFWC members are passionate about volunteer service! Successful fundraising and development programs are necessary and important for the continued success of our organization as we strive to make a positive difference in our communities and our world. When we view fundraising and development as a tool that allows us to continue to improve lives, we are inspired to use that tool as efficiently and productively as possible.


For questions on IRS FORM 990 and MATERIALS, contact Financial Secretary: Debbie Cibelli,


For questions on FORMS, contact Treasurer: Linda Carbley,

Web communications are the future. Every club should have some sort of web presence, a web page, a Facebook page, or some way for potential members to get information about your club. The only way for local clubs to grow is to attract new members, and in our world this means making information available on the Internet.

If your club doesn't have any kind of web presence, the webmaster will be happy to create an informational page for you on this website. Just email or fill out the Web Page Information form listed below.

NJSFWC Website Contest

GFWC Website Contest--Deadline March 15.

  • GFWC Website Contest--Complete details regarding all of GFWC awards and contests are in the GFWC Club Manual in the Awards, Contest, and Grants sections, where you can find contest rules, tips for winning entries, and judging criteria. You can find the GFWC Club Manual on in the library under C. You must have an account and sign in to access the library.
  • GFWC Website Contest 2025 Info extracted from GFWC Club Manual.


CHAIRMAN: Dee Hosier, email


To download a logo or icon, right click on the link and click "Save as" or "Save target as" and then choose the location on your computer where you want to save. Choose the smallest logos for web use, the medium size for brochures and printed materials, and the largest for signs and posters.




History helps us learn who we are. Recognizing the achievements of women in all facets of life – science, community, government, literature, art, sports, medicine – has a huge impact on the development of self-respect and new opportunities for girls and young women.

The impact of women’s history might seem abstract to some, and less pressing than the immediate struggles of working women today. But to ignore the vital role that women’s dreams and accomplishments play in our own lives would be a great mistake. We draw strength and inspiration from those who came before us – and those remarkable women working among us today. They are part of our story, and a truly balanced and inclusive history recognizes how important women have always been in American society.


CHAIRMAN: Randi Quilici,

All clubwomen are welcome to join the GFWC Pennsylvania clubwomen at the 2024 Middle Atlantic Region Annual Meeting and Conference in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. We look forward to sharing a weekend with you for fun, fellowship and learning about GFWC programs and projects. Our special guests include GFWC International President Suellen Brazil and GFWC International First Vice President Wendy Carriker.

MAR Annual Meeting & Conference is September 27-29, 2024. Click here for the Call to 2024 MAR.


About MAR

The Middle Atlantic Region (MAR) of the General Federation of Women's Clubs (GFWC) consists of all GFWC clubs from the states of Delaware, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania.

The MAR holds an Annual Conference each year in the fall.