WOA Patrons & Friends of Convention Needed!
Women of Achievement Patrons Needed
Individual club women, interested guests, and all Federated clubs are invited to become PATRONS of these awards with a listing in the Awards Program Book. All proceeds will fund a one-time scholarship for a non-traditional student enrolled at Douglass Residential College. The form can be found on the njsfwc.org website, scroll to Honors or click here.
Become A Friend of Convention
131st ANNUAL CONVENTION – “Celebrate Good Times” In addition to the ads that will be in the Convention Program Book, there will be a patron listing for “Friends of Convention.” The cost of the listing, which is just a name only, will be $5.00 for each club member. Club presidents are encouraged to ask their members to sign up, collect the money and submit their names on the FRIENDS OF CONVENTION FORM. Those members who sign up and attend the Convention will receive a “Friends of Convention” ribbon. The form can be found on the njsfwc.org website, select Materials, scroll to Convention OR click here.
January 22, 2025
Barbara McCloskey, President
Together in Service, United in Friendship