Where to Report Projects in the New CSP’s

Are you still confused about the new Community Service Programs? The names have changed, but the new names will not affect what projects or programs that your club completes! The changes will only determine where they are placed for report writing purposes.

Although the International Outreach Community Service Program category has been discontinued, all of the projects still exist! They have just been relocated into other Community Service program departments.

To make life easier for club presidents and CSP chairmen, the GFWC has put together a complete list of projects, color coded, to show you where to report your projects. You can get that document by clicking on this link:

CSP Comparison Sheet for New Community Service Programs 2020-2022

Club presidents will want to print this out in color and refer to it when preparing your reports. And in case you aren’t quite sure about the new CSPs, here are the new names:

  • ARTS AND CULTURE (formerly Arts Creative)
  • ENVIRONMENT (formerly Conservation)
  • EDUCATION AND LIBRARIES (formerly Education)
  • HEALTH AND WELLNESS (formerly Home Life)
  • CIVIC ENGAGEMENT AND OUTREACH (formerly Public Issues) 

Keep up the good work, clubwomen!