News: Day of Service, Spelling Bee, Scentsy, Reports

Day of Service|Spelling Bee|Scentsy |Reports
Shirley A. Holly, NJSFWC President
January 24, 2024

Day of Service

Thank you to MaryLou Bak, Day of Service Chairman and District Chairmen Ellen Junas, Lucille Petrillo, Joan Garbarino, Joyce Donnelly, Cheryl Jiosi, Sue Fosdick, Marlene Fredericks, Karen Osborne and Pam McNamee for an amazing day in all 8 Districts! There were 17 agencies spread across the Districts who were partners in this project, and they were all impressed and grateful for members’ efforts on behalf of their clients.

If you would like to share your thoughts about the Day of Service, please email about what it meant for you to take part in this effort to help others, what you learned or gained from taking part, or how this event benefited you as an individual or as a group.

Over 15,000 items were collected across the state to help those affected by domestic violence and abuse. Thank you to every club and individual who donated, volunteered to sort, served refreshments, delivered or took part in any way on January 15th. What we do makes a difference! THANK YOU!

Spelling Bee

Ann Ribinsky Brown has agreed to coordinate the Spelling Bees for this year. There is still time for your club to run a bee and participate in the District Bee.

All directions for a local bee are on our website. A registration fee of $20. must be paid to Headquarters by January 31, 2024, to help pay for the cost of District and State prizes. This year we will be using List B.

As already set on the calendar, the State Spelling Bee will be April 20, 2024, at Headquarters. The District Bees should be held no later than March 16, 2024. Any questions, please email Ann at

NJSFWC Honored by Emmanuel Cancer Foundation

The New Jersey State Federation of Women’s Clubs has been named the Service Club of the Year and will be honored at the Emmanuel Cancer Foundation Crystal Gala on March 2, 2024!

Saturday, March 2, 6:00 pm to 11:00 pm at the newly renovated Tilling House at Suneagles Golf Club, 2000 Lowther Drive, Eatontown, Entertainment, Open Bar, Dinner.

ECF is offering discount tickets to NJSFWC members for $160 a person. To make reservations, please email Rose Contreras, Eastern Regional Director for Emmanuel Cancer Foundation at Let Rose know how many tickets you would like and that you are a member of NJSFWC. ECF will seat NJSFWC members together. Leave your phone number so Rose can call you back. You can pay by credit card or check – whatever is easiest for you.

Report Writing

If any club has submitted their Education and Libraries report to the previous Chairman, please send a copy of your report to NJSFWC Headquarters – 55 Labor Center Way, New Brunswick, NJ 08901-1593.

Arts and Culture Year End Reports should be sent to Susan Chambers: 905 Amaryllis Avenue, Oradell, NJ 07649


Scentsy Fundraiser ends January 31. If you need any gifts-anniversary, birthday, Super Bowl hostess, Valentine’s Day to name few, check out all the possibilities Scentsy has to offer. Do you have a grandchild returning to college? Remember fragrances create a more welcoming environment.

In Federation Friendship,
Shirley A. Holly, NJSFWC President