eConnection 5/13: Got a Suggestion?
From President Jan Hanson:
Welcome to the Wednesday eConnection. Each Wednesday we will send out an EConnection with information, suggestions, and reminders for our Club members. Our goal is to increase communications to and from our membership.
To help with this we are starting a virtual suggestion box in order for you to send your comments, suggestions and ideas to the State Board. You can use email at [email protected] or look for the Suggestion Form on the MATERIALS page. We want to hear from you and I promise you will get a response.
We are going to be goal oriented. Each Community Service Program and other Programs will be selecting attainable goals for the Federation to work towards. We hope you will help us to reach our goals; however, clubs will continue to decide for themselves on what projects they would like to work on.
We do hope that you will all work on the Special State Project, Operation Chillout, helping homeless veterans. I believe with your help we can make a difference in the lives of the many veterans in NJ who have no place to go. Operation Chillout is excited to be partnering with us and they are about to be amazed by the NJSFWC club women.
A non-federated friend asked me if I would still be President if there wasn’t a Convention. I told her that I was pretty sure it would still happen and apparently, I was correct. But I would not have had a Board and bylaws and resolutions would not have been passed if it was not for the hard work of our Immediate Past President, Mary Wolfe. Faced with the unimaginable, she was able to accomplish the work of Convention, without Convention, and for that we all need to thank her. And let’s not forget the two years she devoted to the Federation to secure our future. Thank you, Mary.
Jan Hanson
NJSFWC President
“Let Our Voices Soar”