Member of the New Jersey State Federation of Woman's Clubs (NJSFWC) Ramapo District
Member of the General Federation of Woman's Clubs (GFWC)
Suburban Woman's Club of Pompton Plains
Organized: May 1945
Federated: February 1946
Incorporated: March 1948
For the latest news click here to visit our Facebook page.
We are part of the New Jersey State Federation of Woman’s Clubs, the largest volunteer women’s service organization in the state and a member of the General Federation of Women’s Clubs (GFWC).
The goal of the New Jersey State Federation of Women's Clubs is to enhance the quality of life within our respective communities and state by transforming public interest and concerns into meaningful projects anmd programs; to afford our members opportunities for the development of individual sklills, talents and abilities; and to serve as a grass roots volunteer resource in New Jersey communities.
When: The first THURSDAY of each month from September through June
Time: 7pm; exception...October and May, time and place to be determined
Place: Friendship Hall, First Reformed Church, 529 Newark Pompton Turnpike, Pompton Plains, 07444
Dues: $40.00 per year, due March 1st of each year
COME JOIN US...... we always welcome new members
Executive Board 2024-2026
- President: Janet Roome
- Vice President: Michelle Larsen
- Recording Secretaries: Patti Perugino & Dorothy Padko
- Corresponding Secretary: Patty Buono
- Treasurer: Karlene Walter
- Federation Secretary: Virginia Huresky
- Membership Chairman: Janice Moran
For more information about our club, contact Janice Moran @ [email protected]. She will be delighted to send you an application and answer any questions you have about our active club.
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 92
Pompton Plains, NJ 07444