Stop the Pipeline!
Please Help Stop the Williams-Transco Northeast Supply Enhancement Pipeline
NESE Destroys Our Water Quality and Harms Marine Life! The project will:
- Stir-up over 1 MILLION tons of toxin-laden muck, including PCBs, dioxins, lead, methyl-mercury, petrochemicals, and arsenic, polluting the bay and ocean. The muck will take up to 3 YEARS to settle, suffocating fish eggs and larvae and contaminating the food chain;
- Harm important bay ecosystems, including oyster reefs, clam beds, wetlands, and shallow waters;
- Try to OCEAN DUMP the million tons of muck off our coast, further spreading contamination;
- Pump over 690,000 gallons of polluting, chemically-infused drilling fluids into the bay and ocean;
- Release unspecified chemicals and biocides into the marine environment; · Destroy wetland and bay habitats and scare and harass marine life with loud noises and construction;
- Ruin decades of hard-won progress for Raritan Bay, the ocean, and for marine life and our economy.
NESE Increases Air Pollution: The massive fossil fuel powered compressor station will emit tons of harmful air pollutants ANNUALLY including Carbon Monoxide, Sulfur Dioxide, NOx, Particulate Matter, Volatile Organic Compounds, Formaldehyde, and Ozone. This region already fails to meet federal air quality standards and has an “F” from the American Lung Association. NESE will add insult to injury.
Threat to Public Safety—Transco’s record is frightening. In recent years, Transco’s pipelines and pumping stations have experienced over ten explosions or fires. The company has received safety and risk violations from various federal agencies in NY and NJ. The company has also received numerous fines from the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for unsafe discharges of pollutants.
TAKE ACTION – Before April 5th!
1. Submit Comments: Go to and tell the NJDEP to:
(1) extend the public comment period,
(2) hold public hearings on the proposed project, and
(3) deny this unnecessary and environmentally destructive project once and for all.
2. Tell Gov. Murphy to say NO to NESE. Call the Governor at (609) 292-6000.
3. Help! Join the Movement Against the NESE Project: Your future is at stake! Visit or Email: [email protected] or Call 732-872-0111 for more information and a petition you can circulate.
NJSFWC has 2 open resolutions opposing the NESE Pipeline.
Mary E. Wolfe, President
New Jersey State Federation of Women’s Clubs of GFWC