Order your ALMANAC and Yearbook

Don’t miss out on all the latest lunches, programs, events and news, order your Yearbook and ALMANAC.

Did you know?

The Yearbook contains: Rules for Achievement Day Contests, Contact information for the State Chairmen, clubs, and NJSFWC Bylaws, Continuing Funds explanations and more.

The NJSFWC ALMANAC (8 issues) which will be mailed to you each month for the low cost of $20 contains the latest information from our State Chairmen, Due Dates; flyers for upcoming lunches, programs, events, workshops, and more.

Order online — Just fill out form and email to the office!

(The ALMANAC which is the NJSFWC Newsletter can also be downloaded from the njsfwc.org website under the Materials menu)


Due to limited staffing, please call the Office at 732-249-5474 before traveling