News of the Week 2/14
February 14
Happy Valentines Day
Civic Engagement & Outreach Day – If anyone is interested in staying the night before CEO Day, a block of rooms has been reserved at the East Windsor.Hampton Inn – 384 Monmouth Street, East Windsor,. Call 609-426-1600 to make a reservation. Code NJW OR
Free hot breakfast is included. This is the same hotel we used for Fall Conference. Rooms must be booked by February 29 for the discounted rate. It would be fun to go to dinner if we have a group staying at the hotel.
Spelling Bee
Spelling Bee Reminder – Ann Ribinsky Brown is the State Spelling Bee Chairman. There is still time for your club to run a Bee and participate in the District Bee. All directions for a local Bee are on the website. A registration fee of $20 per club must be paid to NJSFWC Headquarters to help pay for the cost of District and State Bee prizes. District Bees should be held no later than March 16th. The State Spelling Bee is April 20th at NJSFW Headquarters. Contact Ann Brown at [email protected] for questions. Use the Read More button and scroll to Education & Libraries.
Honors & Memorial Garden
Honors & Memorials Garden – We are in the last few weeks of the fundraiser. Orders for bricks are due by March 6th to be included in the garden. What a wonderful way to honor or memorialize any members of your Club or someone special to your Club. Details are on the website or contact NJSFWC Headquarters for details.
Girls’ Career Institute
By now all clubs have reserved their spot for their 2024 Delegates to GCI. This is the First Step in the GCI Process. The next step is to contact schools to help you find students to apply online. The online process is now open and the link to do so is:
OR go to, click MATERIALS scroll to Girls’ Career Institute click on GCI Delegate and Alternate Online Registration
If you have difficulty with the school counselor in your area there are other ways to consider finding Delegates. Is there a private or regional school nearby? You also may choose another town close by. How about agencies that deal with youth?
If you first reserve a spot for a Delegate and later find you cannot find one, you can contact this Director to have your funds transferred to donation for underserved.
Use the GCI Delegate and Alternate Notification Form 2024, which can be found on the NJSFWC website under Materials, under Girls’ Career Institute, under Club Forms. Remember EVERY blank on the form must be completed before you give it to your Delegate(s) and Alternates(s). They need ALL the information to register online. It is important that every blank on the form is complete before you give it to the student. That information will be required by them to complete the ONLINE registration process. Alternates must register at the same time our Delegate does so that everything is ready in case your Delegate will not be able to attend. During this process, Alternates will have a different process than Delegates, so it is vital that they answer the first question – Delegate OR Alternate.
Please note that the February GCI ALMANAC article states that Rutgers wants students and volunteers COVID vaccinated. THIS IS INCORRECT. THIS IS NOT A REQUIREMENT FOR 2024 GCI
Any questions may be sent to Chris Sienkielewski, Interim Director, at 908-392-7501, or Ellen Lund at 973-979-4077.
GCI Volunteers
GCI is still taking applications for program volunteers. The application for volunteers can be found in the March ALMANAC or contact Chris Sienkielewski,, GCI Interim Director, at [email protected] for a copy. For insurance purposes, all volunteers need to be NJSFWC or AADC members.
Also included in the March ALMANAC is a GCI Wish List. In order to make this program successful, there are some things that are needed. You may wish to help by collecting these items and bringing them to NJSFWC Headquarters or you can make a monetary donation for these items and we will purchase them. Any help you can give will be greatly appreciated.