News: ECF Position, Report Writing and more!

October 25, 2023
Shirley A. Holly, NJSFWC President

Emmanuel Cancer Foundation Position

ECF is looking for a Nonprofit Regional Director – Part Time – Central New Jersey counties

Emmanuel Cancer Foundation New Jersey $23 – $25 an hour – Part-time

Here is the link for the job description on Indeed, as well as an attachment of the general job description.

If you would like to email Joann Passantino, the Executive Director directly, and skip applying through Indeed, that works too!! [email protected].

Report Writing

Don’t forget to register for the Report Writing Workshop on November 9 at headquarters 10:30 am. Light refreshments will be available. Virtual report writing will be held on November 10th at 7:00 pm. Register with Susan Chambers for both of these informative sessions. [email protected].

At each workshop we’ll review all you need to know to write a Year End Report that will wow your members … and maybe even win an award (or two! Or three!) for your club!

Millville Chorus

We were honored to have the Millville Woman’s Club Chorus entertain us at the Middle Atlantic Conference. They were amazing! It was their first road trip in a bus. The attendees at MAR really enjoyed their performance and many were taking pictures and videos. If anyone is willing to share the videos or photos, please send them to Nancy Hammond, [email protected]. They would love to see your pictures and videos!

Fall Conference

Thank you to all who attended the Fall Conference this past Monday. Chairman Vivien Finn and her Fall Conference Committee did an excellent job making sure that everyone enjoyed themselves.