News 7/10: Facebook Photos, District Chairmen, MAR

Barbara McCloskey, NJSFWC President
Together in Service, United in Friendship

Get Your Photos on Facebook!

Did you know that NJSFWC has a Facebook page? Please LIKE us and join the page. Share NJSFWC’s experiences on your own Facebook page so you can let others know about the many clubs throughout New Jersey and their many activities.

Even if you don’t have your own FACEBOOK page, you can still use NJSFWC’s page to place your photos and let others know what you are doing. Clubs always are doing something over the summer, such as having some social times, stuffing stockings for soldiers, and participating in community fairs, parades and other events.

Posting your events throughout the year is easy! Email your photos to [email protected]. Please make sure you identify your club and send a caption for the photo. The Website Team tries to choose the very best photos, especially those that have people in them, but it is important to tell us what you are doing!

NJSFWC Needs You!

As we all are moving into the next administration, we are always seeking members who wish to learn more about NJSFWC or a thinking of poking their toes into another level of leadership. Some districts are in need of Chairmen in order to continue with contests at District Spring Conferences and other contests, such as Performing Arts and Spelling Bees. Here are the districts in need:

Arts and Culture (Palisades District)
Arts Performing (Liberty, Southern, Highlands)
Environment (Garden, Ramapo)
Spelling Bee: (College, Liberty, Ramapo, Shore, Southern)

GFWC Mid-Atlantic Region Conference 2024

You are invited to join GFWC clubwomen at the Sheraton Harrisburg Hershey Hotel for the MAR Conference in September. The official CALL will be emailed to the State President mid-July. Check future eConnections for details.