eConnection 8/25: Luncheon Thanks, Top Membership Projects

by Jan W. Hanson, NJSFWC President

Lobster Shanty Luncheon

I would like to thank everyone who attended, participated in the raffles, and wore masks. It was so nice to see everyone in person. Special thanks go to Vivien Finn and her committee for all of the work they put in to make this day a winner. A year late, but a great success. Thank you to all of the members and clubs who donated baskets and items. With an extra year to collect them there were plenty opportunities to win. Thanks to Headquarters Chairman Karen Manneback for running another successful 50/25/25. Congratulations to all of the winners and condolences to those that went home empty handed.

Highlighted Projects

Each week in the eConnection we will highlight projects selected for the GFWC reports. These projects can, also, be found on the NJSFWC website.


  1. The Boys Charity Group of GFWC offered a virtual tutoring program to 2nd through 4th graders to help them in the age of virtual school. The boys encouraged the younger students to learn and navigate their way in this new dimension of homeschooling. It was a great way for the younger students to not only be tutored but to learn about the services the Boys Charity Group provides its community and perhaps encourage them to join this active Juniorette club. 30 hours; no $.
  2. The GFWC Woman’s League of Mount Holly created a “Milestone Ceremony” this year to acknowledge and appreciate members who make their community a better place to live. This once-a-year ceremony will honor members every five years. Three members (one each at 10, 20 and 30 years of membership) were each awarded a Milestone pin, a framed certificate and flowers to recognize they gave pieces of their heart and themselves to help others. 20 hours; $75.
  3. The Woman’s Club of Marlton held a virtual Holiday Party Social. Members competed to see who could complete a holiday crossword puzzle first; they played Family Feud and Bingo; sang songs and announced prizes for the winners. They shared holiday traditions and recipes. They kept the annual gift exchange by dropping presents off beforehand at a member’s porch and took a present back home with them. They opened their gifts online with each other. They gained a new member who was visiting her aunt during the party; when she heard all the laughter she said “I want to be part of that fun group!” 125 hours; $125 in kind.

GFWC Open House

The GFWC Headquarters Open House is Wednesday, December 8th. Plans are underway for a bus trip and as soon as we are told our time slot, more information will be available.

GFWC Convention

This President is looking forward to representing New Jersey at the GFWC Convention in Atlanta, starting this week. Best wishes to our 2020 and 2021 LEADS candidates as they participate in the Leadership Workshop. Hopefully, we will have a lot of things to report. Safe travels to everyone traveling whether by car or plane.

Fall Conference

A block of rooms has been reserved for NJSFWC members at the Radisson Hotel Freehold (732-780-3400). A special rate of $159.00 plus tax has been established with a strict deadline of Monday, August 30 for reservations at the special rate.


  • September 1st-Middle Atlantic Region Conference Registration deadline
  • August 30th- Fall Conference Hotel Registration
  • October 4th – NJSFWC State Fall Conference