eConnection 3/30: CEO Days, Performing Arts, Prevent Child Abuse

performing arts

by Jan W. Hanson, NJSFWC President

Annual Convention

Here is the link if you would like to make an online hotel reservation, The deadline to make reservations in the NJSFWC block is today.

District Civic Engagement and Outreach Day

Thank you to all the Districts and members who participated in the CEO District Day. Hopefully, you came away with some exciting new projects ideas and will be able to make an even bigger impact on your communities.

Performing Arts Festivals

Congratulations to all the members who performed in their District’s Performing Arts Festival. A round of applause to State Chairman Rosemarie Saviello, the District Chairmen and the District Vice Presidents for coordinating these events and thank you to the members who supported the entertainers. We look forward to seeing their performances at the Performing Arts Festival at Convention.

Prevent Child Abuse Month

Wear blue on Friday, April 1st to support Prevent Child Abuse Month. Plant your pinwheel gardens and go to Prevent Child Abuse NJ’s website ( to see what else your club can do to help.

Candy Sale

Don’t miss out on the Gertrude Hawks Candy sale. Orders began shipping on March 14th and the sale ends April 3rd. Contact Chris Burlew at [email protected] for questions or problems.
Go to
Click on Place Fundraising Order.
Choose an Organization.
Type in 114501
Choose a Seller and type in CHRISTINA



  • 30-Convention Hotel Deadline
  • 30-Convention Reservation Deadline without late fee


  • 1-Honor Roll and Order of the Lily
  • 3-Candy Sale ends
  • 6- Convention Final Deadline