eConnection 3/23: Jennie Award, CEO Days, etc.
by Jan W. Hanson, NJSFWC President
Middle Atlantic Region Jennie Award
Congratulations to our own Jill McDonald for being named the Middle Atlantic Region Jennie. She will represent our Region at the GFWC Convention in New Orleans. This award is well deserved and we wish her the best. For those of us attending the Convention, I am sure she will receive the loudest applause.
Annual Convention
We understand some people are having trouble making a hotel reservation at the Tropicana. They have adjusted the block so the correct rooms should be available. If you have a problem send Susan Fosdick, Convention Chairman, an email, [email protected]. The base cost of the hotel is $59, but the final cost is about $86 after the taxes and fees. This is a little higher than originally quoted because the tax fee went up two dollars. The hotel does not have any control over this. Here is the link if you would like to make an online reservation, Due to the issues with the hotel the deadline to make reservations with our block has been extended to MARCH 30TH.
District Civic Engagement and Outreach Day
The CEO District Day will be held in-person on Tuesday, March 29, 2022. This is an opportunity to network with other organizations in your area. Reaching out to help local organizations is one way to increase your visibility in the community, come up with fresh projects and increase your membership. It was successful via Zoom last year with the opportunity to share information, so please consider attending in-person.
Candy Sale
Don’t miss out on the Gertrude Hawks Candy sale. Orders begin shipping on March 14 and the sale ends April 3rd.
Go to
Click on Place Fundraising Order.
Choose an Organization.
Type in 114501
Choose a Seller and type in CHRISTINA
30-Convention Hotel Deadline
30-Convention Reservation Deadline without late fee
1-Honor Roll and Order of the Lily
3-Candy Sale ends
6- Convention Final Deadline