eConnection 3/2: GCI Is Happening! … and More News

by Jan W. Hanson, NJSFWC President

Girls’ Career Institute 2022 is Happening!

We have received final approval from Rutgers to hold Girls Career Institute on June 6-9, 2022. We will have to follow Rutgers’ COVID rules which requires anyone attending to be fully vaccinated.

Delegates and Alternates should now be registering online. Registration deadline is March 31st. Both Delegates and Alternates should register now.

Please be aware – registration web link – on the original forms is incomplete. New forms have been posted on the website, and are marked updated.

The website is or go to,, click on Materials and go to Girls Career Institute (GCI).

If you have any questions contact Mary Kay Tokar, [email protected], 201-320-8403.

Women’s History Month

Is your club doing something to celebrate Women’s History Month? An easy idea is to celebrate the women in your club. All clubwomen are amazing, but is there someone in your club that has achieved something? Throughout March, we will be highlighting some special women and we would love to include our members. Send a short description of your member and what she accomplished to [email protected] and we highlight her in the eConnection.

Annual Convention

We understand some people are having trouble making a hotel reservation at the Tropicana. We are working on solving this issue so if you are put on hold for over five minutes, are told the block is filled or given a price other than $59 tell them you will call back later and send Susan Fosdick an email, [email protected].

Civic Engagement & Outreach District Day

Save the date for your District CEO Day, Tuesday, March 29th. You should be receiving information shortly. This was very successful on Zoom with club members learning about networking with local organizations. Being in-person will allow members to interact with the speakers on a more personal level.

Special State Project Northern Fundraiser

There is still time to send in your Registration for the Special State Project Fundraiser. Help support Operation Chillout while enjoying some wine. Maybe you will get lucky and win the 50/25/25 or a basket. You will have the opportunity to “buy” a bottle of wine for $10. The bottle you receive will be at least worth $10 or it could be worth more.

Donations of wine and raffle baskets are much appreciated. Just contact Patricia Dahl, [email protected] with your basket theme and any other donations.



  • 3-SSP Northern Fundraiser registration deadline
  • 12-Woman of Achievement Patrons
  • 24-Convention Hotel Deadline
  • 30-Convention Reservation Deadline without late fee


  • 1-Honor Roll and Order of the Lily
  • 6- Convention Final Deadline