eConnection 12/29: Jennie Award, Unsung Members & More!

by Jan W. Hanson, NJSFWC President

Carol Hancock-Carleu

I am sad to report that Past State President Carol Hancock-Carleu (1998-2000) has passed away. She has been living in Florida for a number of years and her family has requested that we do not send cards.

Jennie Award Nominee

I am proud to announce that Jill McDonald, NJSFWC nominee, has been selected to be one of two nominees selected from the Middle Atlantic Region to move forward to GFWC for final judging. Good luck, Jill. Additionally, Anne Redlus is one of two nominees from her Region.

Unsung Members

Most clubs have an unsung hero or two in their club. Recently, Anita Rosen, a long- time woman’s club member passed away, however, she left a legacy that many of our membership do not know about. Many of you have something in your jewelry box that is connected to Anita. For many years she designed many of the Federation pins. She was extremely proud of her work and we are happy she was willing to share her talent.

Book Discussion

The next book A Winter Dream by Richard Paul Evans has been selected for the January discussion. It is a light, fast, engaging story and is a quick read during this busy season. Plan on January 12th at 7 p.m. for our Zoom get together and discussion.

Contact Pat Trainor, to participate.