eConnection 1/6: Membership Promotion, District Councils and more!

Membership Promotion

We are looking for volunteers who would like to participate in an NJSFWC promotional video. You would need to be able to use Zoom to make a short recording giving 4 or 5 adjectives about yourself, i.e, mother, sister, doctor, grandmother, teacher, etc. If you would be interested, contact

January District Council

Your District Vice Presidents have been hard at work setting up their District Councils and we are hoping you will join in on Zoom. It is easy to sign on and even though we cannot see each other in-person, at least we can see each other. Join in and find out what the other clubs in your District are doing, get suggestions from State Board members and find out about Convention. Take this opportunity to get out of the January doldrums without leaving your house.

Program Assistance

Even though we are not going to hold Program Assistance, please fill out the Program Assistance form found in the Report Writing Packet and mail it to Judy Filippini, NJSFWC Program Assistance Chairman.

Report Writing

SSP-Operation Chillout form correction-Number of Pins purchased should read for Operation Chillout not CASA. A revised form can be found on the NJSFWC website under the MATERIALS menu.

Good luck as you work on your reports.

–Jan W. Hanson, NJSFWC President