Cooperative Giving Project with Soles4Souls

One of the GFWC 2018–2020 Seven Grand Initiatives is to donate 1,000 pairs of used shoes, and registering with Soles4Souls is one way that your club can participate. Soles4Souls creates sustainable jobs by distributing shoes around the world.

GFWC has joined the ranks of non-profits that Soles4Souls works with to distribute free shoes to people in need and during times of disaster. Soles4Souls’ micro-enterprise model also gives people living in deep poverty in developing nations the opportunity to sustain a small business by selling the shoes.

One pair of donated shoes could provide five meals in developing nations, so every pair counts! Register your club through the Soles4Souls website today.

Your club will be assigned a Soles4Souls representative within three business days,
but while you wait to hear from her/him:

  1. Keep the “Thank You” webpage open that displays immediately after the registration is processed and download the marketing toolkit. If you close it accidentally, your assigned representative can resend it.
  2. Determine if there is a drop-off location within driving distance. If not, a Soles4Souls representative will be in touch to plan logistics.
  3. Contact Stephanie Hathaway at [email protected] if you have not heard from your assigned representative within three business days.