Convention 2024 Is Over!

Click here to view and purchase Convention photos by photographer Jen James. You will need to enter your email address to view the photos.

It was a time of laughter and a time of tears, a time for our Federation Sisterhood of Friendship to celebrate, a time to remember the past and look to the future.

More information will be coming soon, but for now, here are the highlights of the 130th Annual Convention at the Hard Rock Hotel:

  • A Kick-off Dinner “Celebrating our Accomplishments” took place Sunday evening. It was open to all members.
  • After a morning workshop, the DVPs gave their reports at noontime on Monday, doing their favorite thing, highlighting the accomplishments of their clubs.
  • The Convention was officially called to order by President Shirley Holly on Monday afternoon. We heard officers’ reports and there was a marvelous guest speaker, Martha Hall Kelly, author of “Lilac Girls” and several other novels. Finally awards were given.
  • There was a lovely dinner on Monday, “Believe and Be Awesome.” In conjunction with Douglass College, five Women of Achievement Awards were presented.
  • Tuesday morning our work began early with workshops and then action on Resolutions to be amended or rescinded. As always, GFWC International President 2018-2020 Mary Ellen Brock gave a scintillating speech, talking about Conventions of the past. More awards were given and the candidates for office were introduced.
  • After voting for the candidates, there were workshops and then the amazing Arts Performing show, so much fun!
  • The Dinner for the evening, “Gratitude Changes Everything,” honored our club presidents, who entered in a processional. The Cecilia Gaines Holland Award was presented to Phyllis Chanda, and more awards were given, including the Carol J. Sas Award. New clubs were introduced, and finally, the installation of the new Board of Directors was performed by Mary Ellen Brock.
  • In her message, NJSFWC President 2024-2026 Barbara McCloskey announced her theme: “Together in Service, United in Friendship,” and introduced our Special State Project 2024-2026, the New Jersey Children’s Alliance.
  • Wednesday after more workshops, there was a touching In Memoriam ceremony, followed by guest speakers from the New Jersey Children’s Alliance. The Convention ended with presentation of the Honor Roll and Order of the Lily recipients and the Mega Raffle drawing.

As we return to our homes, tired and yet invigorated, we look forward to two more years of service under Barbara’s leadership.

Don’t forget to check our Facebook page for lots of Convention photos!

To see the complete listing of Awards, the Convention Chatter is posted on the Convention Information page and also available for downloading and printing on the MATERIALS page under ALMANACS & BULLETINS.