Bring SSP Backpacks to HQ!

August 7, 2024
Barbara McCloskey, NJSFWC President
Together in Service, United in Friendship

Backpacks for Special State Project NJ Alliance for Children

A reminder that we will be accepting backpacks at Headquarters Monday, August 12th thru Thursday the 15th from 10:00 am – 2:00 pm.

July 31, 2024
Barbara McCloskey, NJSFWC President
Together in Service, United in Friendship


After consultation with NJ Children’s Alliance, and in order to ensure all their clients receive backpacks, any club that wishes to donate a filled backpack will need to bring them to Headquarters between August 12 and 15 from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm.

NJCA will come to Headquarters the following week to pick them up and distribute them throughout the state.

Please include your club information so you may receive a thank you.

If you would like a speaker from NJCA or other info contact [email protected] or [email protected].

Thank you for your patience as we coordinate with this organization

Barbara McCloskey, NJSFWC President
Together in Service, United in Friendship

The New Jersey Children’s Alliance is NJSFWC’s Special State Project for 2024-2026. The New Jersey Children’s Alliance promotes hope, healing and justice for victims of child abuse throughout New Jersey by supporting the 21 Child Advocacy Centers – one in every county. Every club president received a listing of each county location. It will also be on the NJSFWC website.

The first program NJSFWC is promoting is a collection of new backpacks for each center.

Update: Backpacks to be delivered to Headquarters.