Epsilon Sigma Omicron

ESO (Epsilon Sigma Omicron) is an Honorary Reading Society. To become a member, you simply read! For each membership level you read books from the ESO reading list and write brief reports. Certificates are awarded at Convention to members that complete each level.

About our Symbol, the Crest

You've heard about it and have seen the crest. What is the origin? According to GFWC's ESO Handbook, Bertha J. Lacey, a well-known Indiana artist, designed the crest for ESO in the form of a shield, the ancient symbol of protection.

The shield is divided into sections. The center section represents the American home, with a pathway leading into the world of achievement. In the top left section, the rising sun stands for enlightenment. The palm leaf in the upper central section of the shield is the symbol of victory through effort. The crescent moon at the upper right denotes enlightenment pursued in the night-time hours of study. The lower left section shows the lyre which is the symbol for fine arts. The wheat in the lower right symbolizes the idea that we reap what we sow. The lower central section shows an open book which represents all knowledge. Below the crest is the torsade bearing the name Epsilon Sigma Omicron. The torsade was originally a wreath of twisted ribbon presented to a crusader when he set out upon a quest. The dove of peace, which crowns the crest, symbolizes aspiration.

Join ESO Today!

In researching facts about ESO, I learned a new word – torsade. If you like to learn new words, please join ESO's Honorary Reading Society. Send your $2.00 check, payable to NJSFWC, along with a completed Pledge Application. You can download the Pledge Application and Reading List from the MATERIALS page under Education and Libraries.

Once you submit your Pledge Application, start reading. Then you write a brief report (minimum 50 words) of what you thought about each book. It's that simple. The more you read and expand your horizons personally, the higher you'll progress in membership categories.

ESO Certificates will be awarded at Convention in May in the following reading and reporting levels: Member; Star; Torch; Century. The deadline to submit your reports is March 1st.

  • A PLEDGE has applied for membership and has started to fulfill the reading requirements.
  • A MEMBER’S CERTIFICATE is awarded when 20 books are read. From the reading list, a clubwoman must choose five categories. Four books from each category and from different authors are to be selected for reading, making a total of 20 books. After she has completed this, the clubwoman may buy and wear the ESO pin available from GFWC.
  • A STAR LEVEL CERIFICATE is given when a member has read and reported on an additional 25 books, making a total of 45. Twenty books are to be from the reading list. They do not have to be from any specified categories as for the Member level. Five books can be from Free Choice.
  • A TORCH LEVEL CERTIFICATE is awarded when 30 additional books are read, making a total of 75. As in the Star Level, 20 books must be from the reading list and the additional 10 are Free Choice.
  • A CENTURY AWARD will be awarded when 100 books have been read. Of these 25 additional books, 15 are from the reading list and 10 may be Free Choice.
  • A DIAMOND AWARD certificate will be awarded when 1,000 books have been read. Additional recognition is accorded to the clubwoman who has read multiples of 100 books. These may be from any source – the reading list or Free Choice.

If you have any questions or would like additional information, check the MATERIALS page under EDUCATION & LIBRARIES.