Are You Simply Inspired or Are You Inspiring?

By Jan Hanson, GFWC Leadership Committee Member

As leaders or potential leaders, it is essential to discover what inspires us. Inspiration can come from many different sources: art, music, literature, nature, meditation, and education, to name a few. Hopefully, LEADS candidates and participants in leadership workshops come away inspired.

When you feel inspired, your enthusiasm and emotions rise, contributing to the generation of new ideas. This can result in creating art, problem-solving, and developing innovative concepts. When we are inspired, we experience personal growth, but we need to encourage growth in others. We need to move from becoming inspired to inspiring others. Other people can inspire us so that we can inspire others.

The first step is to share your enthusiasm by encouraging others and genuinely connecting with them. Actively listen to what they are saying. Consider how others inspire you and model their behavior while still being true to yourself. Share your unique experiences and perspectives with others, especially your achievements and successes. Encourage others to explore their path and then share their story.

When inspired, you should make a conscious effort to inspire others. Think of inspiration as a smile that is passed on from person to person. Imagine what can be accomplished when inspiration is shared. And remember, one of the most impactful compliments you can receive is “You inspire me.”

Reprinted from the 5/10/24 GFWC News and Notes.