eConnection 8/24: What is MAR All About?


Did you wonder exactly what the GFWC Middle Atlantic Region Conference is all about??

Mary Pat Marcello, President Middle Atlantic Region
NJSFWC Past President 2006-2008

Thank you NJSFWC President Shirley Holly for providing me the opportunity to reach out to my New Jersey friends to invite you, on behalf of our hosts GFWC NY, to the 2022 GFWC Middle Atlantic Region Annual Conference, an opportunity to meet your GFWC Officers, learn about new GFWC initiatives and make new friends from the states of New York, Delaware and Pennsylvania.

To start our weekend in Albany, there’s history for you “Hamilton” fans! Did you know that Elizabeth Schuyler, who became Alexander Hamilton’s wife, grew up in Albany? We will visit the Schuyler Mansion, a state historic site since 1917 and travel to the Hill Street Café, located in the Mansion Neighborhood of Albany, for lunch.

The remainder of Friday’s afternoon agenda is reserved for committee meetings and the MAR Board meeting, followed by the welcome banquet spotlighting GFWC NY and test your luck at the “MPM Casino Night”….  Remember you have to be in it to win it!

Saturday will be filled with MAR and GFWC Business, along with a presentation from NAMI NY, the GFWC NY State President’s special project. Following lunch during which Albany Area Food Bank will collect donations.  A “letter writing” campaign will take place in support of Eliminating Abusive and Rampant Neglect of Interactive Technologies Act (EARN IT Act, S. 3538, H.R. 6544). At the close of the business session, members will be asked to participate in the “hands on” workshop to create greeting cards for NAMI NY clients.

Of course, no Region Conference would be quite the same without the opportunity to learn from the addresses of our GFWC President and President-elect! Each will be highlighted during the Saturday luncheon and banquet.

Following Sunday breakfast, the reports of the 4 MAR state presidents and NY Director of Junior Clubs will feature their respective answers to the question: Communication tools to “spread the news” either “tried and true” methods or initiatives that will be implemented this administration.

New Jersey will give the invitation to the 2023 MAR Annual Conference and following the 20+ year old tradition of singing together “Let there be Peace on Earth”, the 2022 MAR Annual Conference will close.

Please consider joining me for some or all of this important opportunity. If you can join us for just part of the weekend, may I suggest arriving Friday evening and leaving Saturday late afternoon?

Registration materials are available at Scroll to the bottom of the page for GFWC Middle Atlantic Region. Hope to see many New Jersey Friends in the “old Dutch colony” of Albany!