eConnection 1/5: LEADS, Spelling Bees, CEO Day & More

by Jan W. Hanson, NJSFWC President


Do you have a club member who shows leadership potential? Are you that person? The GFWC offers a unique opportunity to attend a one-day Leadership, Education and Development Seminar on June 24th at the GFWC Convention in New Orleans. Information and the application form was in the December ALMANAC and can be found on under Materials/Leadership.

Spelling Bees

Unfortunately, Covid is not finished with interfering with our plans. With the increase in cases, it will be difficult for some clubs to hold local bees in January so we are extending the time for local bees through February, the District Bees will be in March and the State Spelling Bee will be on April 9th. Your District Chairman will keep you informed as new plans are made.

Civic Engagement and Outreach Day (CEO)

Normally CEO Day (formerly Public Issues Day) is a state-wide event, however with so many other activities in March we are once again going to hold this as a District event on March 29th. Similar to last year’s format, except in-person, local organizations will be asked to speak on ways our members can work with them. This was very successful last year with many connections made with the community. If you have a suggestion for an organization, please give the contact information to your District Chairman.

SSP Northern Fundraiser

Mark your calendar to attend the Special State Project Fundraiser Wine and Cheese Party at the Woman’s Club of Upper Montclair Clubhouse. The registration form is in the January ALMANAC. If you would like to donate a basket or items for the raffle please contact Patricia Dahl, [email protected].

Book Discussion

The next book A Winter Dream by Richard Paul Evans has been selected for the January discussion. It is a light, fast, engaging story and is a quick read during this busy season. Plan on January 12th at 7:00 p.m. for our Zoom get together and discussion. Contact Pat Trainor, [email protected] to participate.