eConnection 8/11: Summer Conf Pics, Summer Luncheon

by Jan W. Hanson, NJSFWC President

Summer Conference Pictures

Conference Pictures can be viewed and bought on line. Go to, click on CLIENT LOG IN, select NJSFWC Summer Conference. Photos will be on line, Saturday, August 7th for 90 days. For more information contact Jen James at 609-994-4886, [email protected]. Don’t miss out on having a memento of this historic conference. For those of you who do not like to write, a picture says a thousand words.


Welcome to the newest member of the NJSFWC, the Junior Woman’s Club of Belleville not Belleview. Credentials and Registration Chairman is Cynthia Blumenkrantz not Blumenthal.

Summer Luncheon-Lobster Shanty

Due to the increase in the Coronavirus cases, we are asking everyone to wear a mask when not seated. We are taking this extra precaution so that everyone can feel safe and enjoy the day. Thank you for your cooperation.

Highlighted Projects

Each week in the eConnection we will highlight projects selected for the GFWC reports. These projects can, also, be found on the NJSFWC website.


  1. Montville Township Woman’s Club President spent a few months teaching the members the “ins and outs” of Zoom Meetings. Each month the club met for board and business meetings via Zoom. Once club members felt comfortable using Zoom, they spent time teaching members how to access the NJSFWC website to utilize the materials section which has the answers to most questions that clubwomen have.
  2. Suburban Woman’s Club of Pompton Plains President felt it was her responsibility to “watch” for the overall wellbeing of her members. She reminded them to get moving; to do some sort of exercise, get dressed, put on make-up, use the fancy dishes and glasses being saved for special events, start their cars every other day. She started “laughter” emails. Each day a laugh or encouraging thought was sent to club members. Members came to look forward to President’s email each day and have started to send her jokes and upbeat pictures to share with others.
  3. As a new club President, West Milford Woman’s Club utilized her President’s Manual and shared with her executive board who realized the value of the President’s Manual which included information that every officer could use. They hosted a district meeting (before shutdown) explaining to members how the district is the next level before NJSFWC and really talking about GFWC and how their club fits into the big “picture”. It seems the more the members learn, the more they want to know. The tips were just as helpful to seasoned members who some had forgotten the role of certain positions.


September 1st-Middle Atlantic Region Conference registration deadline