eConnection 1/13: Convention, Workshops, Fundraiser, McDowell

NJSFWC Convention 2021 scheduled for April 26-28 will now be virtual.

More information to follow in the coming weeks.

Report Writing Workshops

2nd Report Writing Workshop: The Workshop will cover: where should I report my projects, how do I determine the statistics, and what is the difference between ‘in kind and dollar donations’. These were additional questions asked at the previous report writing workshop.

Please feel free to email your questions ahead of time to [email protected].

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Chocolate Fundraiser

By Chris Burlew, NJSFWC Financial Secretary

Thank you to all the members who participated in our Fall Gertrude Hawk Fundraiser. Our profit from this fundraiser was $1,483.80.  This amount included a $25 donation from one of our members. This Officer is in the process of setting up a Spring Gertrude Hawk Fundraiser.  Details will be in the February ALMANAC, future eConnections, and also on Facebook.  Many of you shared your favorites with me. In addition to your favorites, there will be many items to help you fill Easter baskets. These fundraisers benefit our Headquarters Fund.


MacDowell (formerly MacDowell Colony) is one of the organizations we support on our Continuing Funds sheet.  It awards Fellowships to artists of exceptional talent, providing time, space and inspiring environment in which to do creative work.  The residency was founded in 1907 by composer Edward MacDowell and pianist Marian Nevins MacDowell, his wife.  Fellows receive room, board and exclusive use of a studio.  The sole criterion for acceptance is talent, as determined by a panel representing the discipline of the applicant.  New Jersey’s own Mary Higgins Clark, a Woman of Achievement winner, attended MacDowell.  So, when you fill out your Continuing Fund Sheet, be reminded that your contribution may help an artist to create.  “Art is essential to the human spirit. It makes you think and takes you places.”