News 9/4: Speakers, Bylaws Support, National Day of Service

September 4, 2024
Barbara McCloskey, NJSFWC President
Together in Service, United in Friendship

Looking for speakers at your club meetings?

Why not ask an NJSFWC Community Service Program Chairman, one of our Vice Presidents, or even the President to attend your meeting? Besides finding out the latest information from a Chairman, such as Arts and Culture, Civic Engagement and Outreach or even Advocates for Children, did you know that each of the Vice Presidents has a specialty? President-elect Susie Chambers can speak about Leadership, First Vice President Chris Sienkielewski is responsible for Report Writing and Second Vice President Patricia Dahl is the state Membership Chairman. We are here to serve you, the members!

Support for Club Bylaws

As many of you know, our Parliamentarian to the Clubs and dedicated Federation member, Gail Kovacs-Felici passed away recently. Although we can never replace Gail, until her position is filled, Vice Chairman, Roberta Dyrsten will take on the responsibilities of answering any club’s bylaw questions and reviewing updated bylaws. Now is a great time to review your club’s bylaws, especially with the change coming in 2025, where dues will be payable with the Yearbook Data Sheet (aka the Blue sheet) by May 1st. Roberta’s contact information is:

Last Call to Register for GFWC National Day of Service!

PLEASE REGISTER TODAY FOR THE 2024 GFWC NATIONAL DAY OF SERVICE (NDS) With less than 30 days left until the 2024 GFWC NDS on September 28, now is the time to rally local GFWC clubs to register. To date, there are 738 pledges for the GFWC NDS. GFWC’s participation goal is to surpass last year’s count of 900. We’re so close — let’s make it happen! Together we can end food insecurity and hunger!
To register, visit, and follow the prompts. Then, click on the Events page to sign up. Simply select 2024 GFWC National Day of Service and you’re on your way. If more than one club is partnering on a Community Service Project, you can register up to three clubs on the site. However, you will need to email Membership Director Melanie Gisler,, the additional club names for your group.
If you prefer to register by email, please send a message to to sign up for the 2024 GFWC NDS.
Please include:
• Club Contact and Information
• Official Club Name
• Your State Federation
• Brief Description of the Club’s Project, If Known (not required)

Links: September ALMANAC | September ALMANAC FLYERS
Read the ALMANAC and In the Flyers: Register for Fall Conference; 130th Anniversary Celebration, Canva Worksop, more…