eConnection 4/3/24: News of the Week
April 3, 2024
Shirley A. Holly, NJSFWC President
Luncheon & Basket Raffle:
Join us to support The Emmanuel Cancer Foundation. There are a few spots open for the Special State Project Spring Luncheon & Basket Raffle, this Sunday, April 7, at 2:00 p.m. Contact Marie Sullivan ASAP at [email protected] or 201-314-7945 for location, cost, and details.
Convention Deadline
The deadline for the 130th Annual Convention is only 2 days away; April 5th without paying the late fee. Reservations may be made through April 12th with the late fee.
Voting at Convention will take place in Big Cypress B from 11:45-1:45 for the position of NJSFWC Corresponding Secretary.
Mega Raffle
Mega Raffle tickets are on sale for $10 each. They will be available at all Spring Conferences and at Convention, proceeds will benefit NJSFWC Headquarters. Last years’ winner received over $4,500. Don’t miss out!
Almanac Online
Did you know…you can read the monthly ALMANAC online? The monthly ALMANAC is NJSFWC’s Newsletter. The ALMANAC let’s you know what is happening at NJSFWC and the FLYERS contain forms, and information on activities such as the SSP Luncheon & Basket Raffle that you as a member can partake. Take a few moments to review this easily downloaded Newsletter. Go to, select MATERIALS, then select ALMANACS & BULLETINS.