Member of the New Jersey State Federation of Woman's Clubs (NJSFWC) Garden District
Member of the General Federation of Woman's Clubs (GFWC)
Woman's Club of Pitman
Organized March 1921
Federated April 1921
For latest news click here to visit our Facebook page.
Fourth Monday - 7:30PM
December Meeting - Second Monday
VFW Hall
142 Oakcrest Avenue
Pitman, NJ 08071
Light refreshments are served.
Since 1921, The Woman’s Club of Pitman has been providing an organized activity for their members, allowing an exchange of ideas while contributing to their own cultural and social development, meeting the needs of our community, and building friendships through our community fundraising and volunteering activities.
- Bunco Night
- Boscov’s Friends Helping Friends Day
- Community Clean-Up Day
- Miss Pitman Sponsor
- Girls Career Institute Delegates Sponsor
- Pitman Christmas House Tour (even year only)
- Nursing Home Cookie Bake & Fruit Donations
- Mother & Child Shelter Baby Shower Night
- Norwex Products Fundraiser
- STEAM Scholarship (Science Technology Engineering Arts Math)
- Education Scholarship
- Gloucester County Nurse's Award - Given to a woman who returns to school to get her nursing degree
Interested in joining our fun group? Any woman residing in Pitman or surrounding area is eligible for membership. Annual membership dues are $39. Please contact our Membership Chairman, Beverly Benson, at pitmanwcp@gmail.com.